
Why Whole Life Insurance for IBC?

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Whole Life Insurance Explained

The Superior Vehicle of Choice

The process of banking has existed for centuries. It just so happens that whole life insurance contracts offered by mutually-owned dividend paying insurance companies is the most efficient vehicle for the banking business. 

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In a world of confusion and chaos, guarantees stand out. Life insurance grants the owner both instant and future guarantees. From day one, your premiums are generating instant guarantees. At some point in the future, your loved ones are the beneficiaries of a guaranteed death benefit.

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The Application Process

1. Personal

Applying for life insurance is broken down into two steps. The application involves disclosing your personal info such as: your income, assets and liabilities. This is used to determine how much total death benefit you would qualify for. 

2. Medical History

Your medical history is also a critical component in determining how much insurance coverage you qualify for. Often times your medical records are shared with the insurance company along with a brief medical exam (roughly 30-45 minutes).